コンフィグレーションコマンドレファレンス Vol.1



■ 対象製品およびソフトウェアバージョン

このマニュアルはAX3660Sを対象に記載しています。また,ソフトウェアOS-L3M Ver. 12.1の機能について記載しています。ソフトウェア機能は,ソフトウェアライセンスおよびオプションライセンスによってサポートする機能について記載します。





■ このマニュアルの訂正について


■ 対象読者



■ このマニュアルのURL



■ マニュアルの読書手順



■ このマニュアルでの表記

AC          Alternating Current
ACK         ACKnowledge
ADSL        Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AES         Advanced Encryption Standard
ALG         Application Level Gateway
ANSI        American National Standards Institute
ARP         Address Resolution Protocol
AS          Autonomous System
BFD         Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BGP         Border Gateway Protocol
BGP4        Border Gateway Protocol - version 4
BGP4+       Multiprotocol Extensions for Border Gateway Protocol - version 4
bit/s       bits per second     *bpsと表記する場合もあります。
BPDU        Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BRI         Basic Rate Interface
CA          Certificate Authority
CBC         Cipher Block Chaining
CC          Continuity Check
CDP         Cisco Discovery Protocol
CFM         Connectivity Fault Management
CIDR        Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CIR         Committed Information Rate
CIST        Common and Internal Spanning Tree
CLNP        ConnectionLess Network Protocol
CLNS        ConnectionLess Network System
CONS        Connection Oriented Network System
CRC         Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSMA/CD     Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CSNP        Complete Sequence Numbers PDU
CST         Common Spanning Tree
DA          Destination Address
DC          Direct Current
DCE         Data Circuit terminating Equipment
DES         Data Encryption Standard
DHCP        Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIS         Draft International Standard/Designated Intermediate System
DNS         Domain Name System
DNSSL       Domain Name System Search List
DR          Designated Router
DSA         Digital Signature Algorithm
DSAP        Destination Service Access Point
DSCP        Differentiated Services Code Point
DSS         Digital Signature Standard
DTE         Data Terminal Equipment
DVMRP       Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
E-Mail      Electronic Mail
EAP         Extensible Authentication Protocol
EAPOL       EAP Over LAN
ECDHE       Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Ephemeral
ECDSA       Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EFM         Ethernet in the First Mile
ES          End System
FAN         Fan Unit
FCS         Frame Check Sequence
FDB         Filtering DataBase
FQDN        Fully Qualified Domain Name
FTTH        Fiber To The Home
GCM         Galois/Counter Mode
GSRP        Gigabit Switch Redundancy Protocol
HMAC        Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
HTTP        Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS       Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IANA        Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ICMP        Internet Control Message Protocol
ICMPv6      Internet Control Message Protocol version 6
ID          Identifier
IEC         International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE        Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
IETF        the Internet Engineering Task Force
IGMP        Internet Group Management Protocol
IP          Internet Protocol
IPCP        IP Control Protocol 
IPv4        Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6        Internet Protocol version 6
IPV6CP      IP Version 6 Control Protocol 
IPX         Internetwork Packet Exchange
ISO         International Organization for Standardization
ISP         Internet Service Provider
IST         Internal Spanning Tree
L2LD        Layer 2 Loop Detection
LAN         Local Area Network
LCP         Link Control Protocol
LED         Light Emitting Diode
LLC         Logical Link Control
LLDP        Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LLQ+3WFQ    Low Latency Queueing + 3 Weighted Fair Queueing
LSP         Label Switched Path
LSP         Link State PDU
LSR         Label Switched Router
MA          Maintenance Association
MAC         Media Access Control
MC          Memory Card
MD5         Message Digest 5
MDI         Medium Dependent Interface
MDI-X       Medium Dependent Interface crossover
MEP         Maintenance association End Point
MIB         Management Information Base
MIP         Maintenance domain Intermediate Point
MLD         Multicast Listener Discovery
MRU         Maximum Receive Unit
MSTI        Multiple Spanning Tree Instance
MSTP        Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MTU         Maximum Transmission Unit
NAK         Not AcKnowledge  
NAS         Network Access Server
NAT         Network Address Translation
NCP         Network Control Protocol 
NDP         Neighbor Discovery Protocol
NET         Network Entity Title
NLA ID      Next-Level Aggregation Identifier
NPDU        Network Protocol Data Unit
NSAP        Network Service Access Point
NSSA        Not So Stubby Area
NTP         Network Time Protocol
OADP        Octpower Auto Discovery Protocol
OAM         Operations,Administration,and Maintenance
OSPF        Open Shortest Path First
OUI         Organizationally Unique Identifier
packet/s    packets per second     *ppsと表記する場合もあります。
PAD         PADding
PAE         Port Access Entity
PC          Personal Computer
PCI         Protocol Control Information
PDU         Protocol Data Unit
PGP         Pretty Good Privacy
PICS        Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PID         Protocol IDentifier
PIM         Protocol Independent Multicast
PIM-DM      Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode
PIM-SM      Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode
PIM-SSM     Protocol Independent Multicast-Source Specific Multicast
PMTU        Path Maximum Transmission Unit
PRI         Primary Rate Interface
PS          Power Supply
PSNP        Partial Sequence Numbers PDU
PTP         Precision Time Protocol
QoS         Quality of Service
QSFP+       Quad Small Form factor Pluggable Plus
QSFP28      28Gbps Quad Small Form factor Pluggable
RA          Router Advertisement
RADIUS      Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
RDI         Remote Defect Indication
RDNSS       Recursive Domain Name System Server
REJ         REJect 
RFC         Request For Comments
RIP         Routing Information Protocol
RIPng       Routing Information Protocol next generation
RMON        Remote Network Monitoring MIB
RPF         Reverse Path Forwarding
RQ          ReQuest
RSA         Rivest, Shamir, Adleman
RSTP        Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
SA          Source Address
SD          Secure Digital
SDH         Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDU         Service Data Unit
SEL         NSAP SELector
SFD         Start Frame Delimiter
SFP         Small Form factor Pluggable
SFP+        enhanced Small Form-factor Pluggable
SHA         Secure Hash Algorithm
SMTP        Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNAP        Sub-Network Access Protocol
SNMP        Simple Network Management Protocol
SNP         Sequence Numbers PDU
SNPA        Subnetwork Point of Attachment
SPF         Shortest Path First
SSAP        Source Service Access Point
SSH         Secure Shell
SSL         Secure Socket Layer
STP         Spanning Tree Protocol
Sync-E      Synchronous Ethernet
TA          Terminal Adapter
TACACS+     Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus
TCP/IP      Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TLA ID      Top-Level Aggregation Identifier
TLS         Transport Layer Security
TLV         Type, Length, and Value
TOS         Type Of Service
TPID        Tag Protocol Identifier
TTL         Time To Live
UDLD        Uni-Directional Link Detection
UDP         User Datagram Protocol
UPC         Usage Parameter Control
UPC-RED     Usage Parameter Control - Random Early Detection
VLAN        Virtual LAN
VNI         VXLAN Network Identifier
VPN         Virtual Private Network
VRF         Virtual Routing and Forwarding/Virtual Routing and Forwarding Instance
VRRP        Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VTEP        VXLAN Tunnel End Point
VXLAN       Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network
WAN         Wide Area Network
WDM         Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WFQ         Weighted Fair Queueing
WRED        Weighted Random Early Detection
WS          Work Station
WWW         World-Wide Web

■ KB(キロバイト)などの単位表記について
