Configuration Guide Vol. 1

17.2.2 Preparing the update file

Prepare the update file to be used for the update.

  1. If the configuration has not been saved since it was edited online, execute the configuration command save prior to updating to save the configuration.

    If you do not save the configuration, restarting after the update is completed will revert to the configuration before editing.

  2. Execute show flash commandI will.

    Make sure that the user area (user area) of the on-chip flash memory contains at least the following amount of unused space (free).

    Update File Size-/usr/var/update/k.img Size +10MB

  3. Transfer the update file to the Switch and place it in a directory (/usr/var/update) named k.img.

    Files can be transferred using FTP or MC. When using FTP, it must be transferred in binary mode. The following figure shows an example of transferring an update file using MC.

    Figure 17-4 Example of transferring an update file using MC
    >ls mc-dir
     Volume in drive C has no label
     Volume Serial Number is 0000-000D
    Directory for C:/
    k        img  87436856 YYYY-MM-DD  HH:MM
           XX files         XXX XXX XXX bytes
                         XX XXX XXX XXX bytes free
    >cp mc-file k.img /usr/var/update/k.img
    >ls -l /usr/var/update
    total 28952
    -rw-r--r--    1 operator users     87436856 Jun 18 17:57 k.img

    You can check the file size in the underlined part.

  4. Execute ls-l /usr/var/update commandI will.

    Make sure that the file size of k.img is equal to the file size of the source file. When the check is completed, proceed to section 17.2.3, Executing the Update Command.